Upcoming shows on the


Copper Club Brewing Company— DEan & Elizabeth Acoustic

Copper Club Brewing Company— DEan & Elizabeth Acoustic

General Thump and Thunderbunny acoustically rock the fine pine stage at the famed Copper Club Brewing Company. Come bask in the balmy desert air of the beer garden while the melodious strains of tunes like “Driving On 9” and “Plain White Square” wash over you. Can music save your mortal soul? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

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Outdoor Concert Series Kickoff @Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center

Outdoor Concert Series Kickoff @Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center

The Mysterious Stranger and Thunderbunny will deliver 25 minutes of carefully chosen original tuneage for the kickoff of 2025’s summer of parking lot concerts. Set time TBA when we find out where we’ll be sitting in the mix of local songsters. This outdoor event coincidentally falls on the eve of the Grand Mesa Songwriters Festival, so there may be a subtle connection there, from a “Hey, look! I made a song!” angle. In any case, come enjoy a free concert in the GMAEC parking lot on a fine June evening.

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Snowcapped Cider- Solo Acoustic

Snowcapped Cider- Solo Acoustic

Join Mr. DEan for an evening of world renowned Cedaredge ciders and merry song at Snow Capped Cider, in beautiful downtown Cedaredge.

Enjoy fine cheeses while listening to a song about cheese. Yes, life can be that sweet.

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Copper Club Brewing Co. Solo Acoustic- Fruita, CO

Copper Club Brewing Co. Solo Acoustic- Fruita, CO

Celebrate the drift into Autumn in the high desert beer oasis that is Copper Club Brewing Company. What better way to top off a satisfying day of mountain biking than to nestle in with a pint of foamy goodness and a clutch of pals, while The Mysterious Stranger and superhero sidekick, Thumper, regale you with songs like “Booze Bottles and Bones”?


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The Reckless Roadhouse, De Beque- Solo Acoustic

The Reckless Roadhouse, De Beque- Solo Acoustic

Come dine upon the fineness that Russell and company lovingly prepare in his culinary laboratory, while The Mysterious Stranger croons from the spacious stage. Experience otherworldly cocktails and B-B-Q of epic quality, in air conditioned comfort, on a Sunday afternoon in beautiful De Beque. https://www.recklessroadhouse.com/

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Ramblebine Brewing Company, Grand Junction, CO- Solo Acoustic/Possibly With Elizabeth

Ramblebine Brewing Company, Grand Junction, CO- Solo Acoustic/Possibly With Elizabeth

Did the lovely and talented Miss Elizabeth join The Mysterious Stranger in the outdoor beer hall that is the patio of Ramblebine Brewing Company on June 29th and if so, will she do it again? Is Mr. DEan leaping like a crazed leprechaun across timelines? Find out the answer to these, and other intriguing questions when you ramble on over to the ‘Bine for a tall glass of God Hammer 6% Norwegian Red Ale. Revel in its deep, toasted malt character with notes of cherry, orange and rye spice. Why? Because BEER. Visit their website at: https://ramblebinebrewing.com/our-beers/

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Ramblebine Brewing Company, Grand Junction, CO- Solo Acoustic/Possibly With Elizabeth

Ramblebine Brewing Company, Grand Junction, CO- Solo Acoustic/Possibly With Elizabeth

Will the lovely and talented Miss Elizabeth join The Mysterious Stranger as he returns to the glorious patio of Ramblebine Brewing Company on this fine Summer’s evening? Stay tuned and find out. In any case, Mr. DEan will be heading straight for a pint of Sacrificial Oats 5.6% Oatmeal Stout just before lighting the engine of his musical ramjet. Rich and creamy with a hint of roast and chocolate, it’s exactly the kind of magical fuel his brand of mischief runs on, and those clever imps at Ramblebine dish it up in grand fashion. (See how we tied this screed to the locale?) Visit their website at: https://ramblebinebrewing.com/our-beers/

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Reckless Roadhouse Solo Acoustic- De Beque, CO

Reckless Roadhouse Solo Acoustic- De Beque, CO

Best danged gourmet chicken wings in these here parts? Check. High desert beer garden on a Sunday afternoon? Check. The Mysterious Stranger’s sultry caterwauling filling the fragrant air while fine brewskies are being quaffed? CHECK. Well, now. I guess all you folks up and down Interstate 70 know where to be on Sunday, June 16th. See you magnificent people at Reckless Roadhouse.


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Grand Mesa Songwriter Festival- Local Artist Showcase @ GMAEC

Grand Mesa Songwriter Festival- Local Artist Showcase @ GMAEC

Join The Mysterious Stranger and his Eternal Companion in the opening event of Grand Mesa’s first annual Songwriter Festival. DEan and Elizabeth Bonzani will curate a clump of original songs from the nearly 50 years that DEan has been writing his own tunes, with accompanying backstory for each one. Actual showtime and the full list of participating local songwriters to be announced. Location: Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center, 195 W Main St, Cedaredge, CO.

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Paonia Public Library Summer Concert Series, Paonia, CO

Paonia Public Library Summer Concert Series, Paonia, CO

Mr. DEan kicks off the highly literate Summer Concert Series in the cozy outdoor amphitheater of Paonia’s wonderful library. Come bask in the mountain air with a classic novel in your mitts while you listen to the poetic strains of favorites like “Dollar Store Poop Scoop”, “Something About Cheese”, and “Trudy And The Sonic Wombat.”

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Louie's Pizza, Paonia, CO- Solo Acoustic

Louie's Pizza, Paonia, CO- Solo Acoustic

Mad Bonzani brings his signature dramedic songing to the hallowed halls of the famed Louie’s Pizza once again. Come taste pizza pie THE WAY GOD ALMIGHTY INTENDED IT TO TASTE LIKE. Oh? That’s a bit on the hyperbolic side to make such a bold statement in all caps? Well, bucko— Mr. DEan was born (and by “born” we mean dragged screaming from a higher dimension) in Chicago, Illinois, and if he proclaims that Louie slings one of the finest danged pies on the face of this accursed… errrr, LOVELY… planet, then it bloody well must be just that. But don’t take his expert word on the matter. Come experience it, and a whole lot of melodious uproar, on Friday, May 10th in Paonia. Visit their website at: https://paoniapizza.com/

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Copper Club Brewing Company, Fruita, CO

Copper Club Brewing Company, Fruita, CO

Mr. Banzanny takes to the mighty stage of Copper Club Brewing Company to celebrate Cinco De Mayo in grand fashion. He may be joined by the rolling thunder that is Elizabeth Bonzani’s bass playing, too. We’ll see about that soon enough. Visit their website at: https://www.copperclubbrew.com/

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ReFind Fashion Show @GMAEC, Cedaredge, CO

ReFind Fashion Show @GMAEC, Cedaredge, CO

DEan and Elizabeth join the fashion fun in the annual ReFind Fashion show, where glamorous volunteers model creations wrought from refuse, whipped up by workshoppers under the crafty tutelage of Judy Leonard (ImpressionZ Vintage), Shelly Slavens and Bonnie Mitchell (Heirlooms for Hospice in Delta).

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Grand Mesa Short Film Festival, Cedaredge, CO (Copy)

Grand Mesa Short Film Festival, Cedaredge, CO (Copy)

Come munch popcorn and enjoy the works of independent filmmakers at the third annual Grand Mesa Short Film Festival. On Saturday night (time TBA), DEan and Elizabeth are proud to premier their short film, “These Ol’ Boots: An Americana Story.” Featuring characters from Stinkytime Theater, with local stars David Starr, Jo Carole Haxel, and Rick Stucker, this film was shot on location in Austin, Cedaredge, and the Adobe Badlands of Delta, Colorado. Music by DEan Bonzani. Writing, directing, videography, puppetry by DEan and Elizabeth (who also custom made the costumes).

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Grand Mesa Short Film Festival, Cedaredge, CO

Grand Mesa Short Film Festival, Cedaredge, CO

Come munch popcorn and enjoy the works of independent filmmakers at the third annual Grand Mesa Short Film Festival. On Friday night (time TBA), you can watch Episode Four of Stinkytime Theater: “Pint Sized Riot,” starring local musician/artist/circus ringmaster Aaryn Russell, with music by DEan Bonzani, and puppetry/writing/directing/videography by Elizabeth Bonzani.

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Yarrow Taproom, Austin, CO- Solo Acoustic

Yarrow Taproom, Austin, CO- Solo Acoustic

Austin, Colorado’s Yarrow Taproom will once again reverberate with the joyous sounds of that guy from just up the hill. Come quaff brewskies from the Yarrow’s fabulous, lovingly curated selection of brewskies, or maybe you’re the exotic cocktail type, and are you ever in luck. And yeah, go ahead and call them “cocktailskies.” Go ahead. There’ll also be some mighty fine eats to go with those quaffings. Always a good time at Yarrow, where the folks are friendly and frisky in a way that keeps Mr. DEan on his toes. Visit their website at: https://www.theyarrowcollective.com/

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Lowell School Food Truck Fridays, Grand Junction, CO

Lowell School Food Truck Fridays, Grand Junction, CO

Join The Mysterious Stranger and a bevvy of food trucks at the headquarters of Gemini Beer Company, in the historic Lowell High School, in downtown Grand Junction. Music? Check. Gourmet burritos? Check. Mermaid Attack! Honey Lemon Witte and Erebus Imperial Stout, named for the primordial Greek god of darkness, and brewed with a mix of buckwheat, spelt, honey and maple syrup resulting in a dark, roasty, complex beer that won the Gold medal in the 2016 Los Angeles International Beer Competition and has an ABV of 13.3%? CHECK. See you at the party!

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Cedaredge Applefest

Cedaredge Applefest

Exact date and time TBA. Come experience all things apple, including delicious hard ciders, at the beloved annual Cedaredge Applefest. Grab a cider or a pint of barley pop, and join C-Los Belos in the park, at the big stage. A 45 minute high intensity romp awaits you.

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Yarrow Taproom- Austin, CO

Yarrow Taproom- Austin, CO

The Yarrow Taproom is a rare gem of a saloon. Whether you’re from up the street, over the mesa, or stopping in after a long day of travel, you’ll refresh yourself in a way that is uniquely Yarrow Taproom. Add a splash of The Mysterious Stranger’s musical musings to the mix, and you’ve got a Friday night that’ll stick in your memory like that pine sap you got all over the butt of those brand new pants from REI that you spent a fortune on. Good times.

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Party In The Park w/ C-Los Belos

Party In The Park w/ C-Los Belos

Ho, friends! Join the town of Cedaredge in the Town Park for the annual musical get together that is Party In The Park. C-Los Belos has a special performance planned, and you’d best wear comfy shoes for this one. Heck, you can just take your shoes off and let your tootsies enjoy the plush lawn that Town Park is famous for.

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Louie's Pizza, Paonia-  Patio Pizza Party

Louie's Pizza, Paonia- Patio Pizza Party

Join Mad Bonzani for a PATIO PIZZA PARTY! Yes, that’s correct. Pizza on the patio and a whole lot of boingy fun. Bonzani will play that song that you love so much. You know the one! Eat beer and drink delicious pizza on a gorgeous evening in Paonia.

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